Tepelné ochrany

Tepelná ochrana proti přetížení (nadproudu)Nejběžnější poruchou ve vinutí motoru je jeho nadměrné oteplení. Teplota roste vlivem proudového přetížení vinutí. Charakteristika na obr. 1 znázorňuje, jak 5% nárůst proudu odpovídající zvýšení teploty o 10 °C zkracuje životnost vinutí na polovinu.Ochrana proti přetížení je tedy nezbytná pro zamezení nadměrného oteplení a snížení rizika selhání motoru v důsledku poškození izolace vinutí.Princip činnosti tepelných nadproudových spouští je založen na deformaci bimetalového pásku, kterým prochází sledovaný proud. Při průchodu proudu tímto páskem je pásek deformován, přičemž v závislosti na nastavení jsou rozpojeny kontakty.Spoušť lze znovu nastavit (resetovat) po dostatečném ochlazení bimetalového pásku.Tyto spouště reagují i na ztrátu fáze: diferenciální princip. Zmíněná funkce brání jednofázovému chodu motoru a odpovídá požadavkům norem IEC 60947-4-1 a 60947-6-2.


Reversible thermal protection F11U 100 ° C 100mm 250V / 2,5A

3,67 EURReversible thermal protection F11U 100 ° C 100mm 250V / 2,5A

Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit temp...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 110 ° C 50mm 250V / 2.5A

3,85 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 110 ° C 50mm 250V / 2.5A

Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit temp...


Thermal protection reversible SO6; 130°C 300mm 250V/10- 25A

8,42 EURThermal protection reversible SO6; 130°C 300mm 250V/10- 25A

Bimetal safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts are disconnected. When the temperature drops below the limi...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 130 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

6,62 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 130 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A
Thermal insulation class 130 (B) 155 (F) 180 (H) Maximum temperature of insulated winding ° C 145 170 195 Tab. 1: Maximum winding tempera...

Thermal protection reversible SO6; 140°C. 300mm 250V/10-25A

8,57 EURThermal protection reversible SO6; 140°C. 300mm 250V/10-25A

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit ...


Reversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

9,04 EURReversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit ...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

7,56 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit ...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 120 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

5,77 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 120 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A
Thermal insulation class 130 (B) 155 (F) 180 (H) Maximum temperature of insulated winding ° C 145 170 195 Tab. 1: Maximum winding tempera...

Reversible thermal protection F11U 100 ° C 100mm 250V / 2,5A

3,67 EURReversible thermal protection F11U 100 ° C 100mm 250V / 2,5A

Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit temp...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 110 ° C 50mm 250V / 2.5A

3,85 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 110 ° C 50mm 250V / 2.5A

Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit temp...


Thermal protection reversible SO6; 130°C 300mm 250V/10- 25A

8,42 EURThermal protection reversible SO6; 130°C 300mm 250V/10- 25A

Bimetal safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts are disconnected. When the temperature drops below the limi...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 130 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

6,62 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 130 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A
Thermal insulation class 130 (B) 155 (F) 180 (H) Maximum temperature of insulated winding ° C 145 170 195 Tab. 1: Maximum winding tempera...

Thermal protection reversible SO6; 140°C. 300mm 250V/10-25A

8,57 EURThermal protection reversible SO6; 140°C. 300mm 250V/10-25A

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit ...


Reversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

9,04 EURReversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit ...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

7,56 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the sensor contacts open. When the temperature falls below the limit ...


Reversible thermal protection SO01; 120 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

5,77 EURReversible thermal protection SO01; 120 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A
Thermal insulation class 130 (B) 155 (F) 180 (H) Maximum temperature of insulated winding ° C 145 170 195 Tab. 1: Maximum winding tempera...
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21 products
Thermal protection reversible DO AM03- 50°C 85mm 250V/6A

Thermal protection reversible DO AM03- 50°C 85mm 250V/6A

Code:MTT 050060
2,06 EUR1,70 EUR
Skladem 5 pcs
Otváracia teplota: 50 ± 5 ° C / Uzavretá teplota: 35 ± 15 ° C          ...
Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 60 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 60 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 060060
2,06 EUR1,70 EUR
Skladem 9 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 70 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 70 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 070060
2,41 EUR1,99 EUR
Skladem 6 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 80 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 80 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 080060
2,41 EUR1,99 EUR
Skladem 2 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 85 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 85 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 085060
2,20 EUR1,82 EUR
Skladem 9 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
-14 %
Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 90 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 90 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 090060
2,20 EUR1,82 EUR
Skladem 7 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
-14 %
Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 95 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03- 95 ° C 85mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 095060
2,20 EUR1,82 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
-14 %
Reversible thermal protection F11U 100 ° C 100mm 250V / 2,5A

Reversible thermal protection F11U 100 ° C 100mm 250V / 2,5A

Code:MTT 100125
3,67 EUR3,03 EUR
Skladem 41 pcs

Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, ...

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03-105 ° C 65mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03-105 ° C 65mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 105060
2,41 EUR1,99 EUR
Skladem 6 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
Reversible thermal protection SO01; 110 ° C 50mm 250V / 2.5A

Reversible thermal protection SO01; 110 ° C 50mm 250V / 2.5A

Code:MTT 110025
3,85 EUR3,18 EUR
Skladem 12 pcs

Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, ...

-20 %
Thermal protection reversible DO AM03-110°C 65mm 250V/6A

Thermal protection reversible DO AM03-110°C 65mm 250V/6A

Code:MTT 110060
2,89 EUR2,39 EUR
Skladem 7 pcs
Otváracia teplota: 110 ± 5 ° C / Uzavretá teplota: 75 ± 15 ° C
Reversible thermal protection DO AM03-115 ° C 65mm 250V / 6A

Reversible thermal protection DO AM03-115 ° C 65mm 250V / 6A

Code:MTT 115060
3,34 EUR2,76 EUR
Skladem 2 pcs
Bimetallic thermostat, expansion-return Opening temperature Closed temp...
Reversible thermal protection SO01; 120 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

Reversible thermal protection SO01; 120 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

Code:MTT 120025
5,77 EUR4,77 EUR
Skladem 10 pcs
Thermal insulation class 130 (B) 155 (F) 180 (H) Maximum temperature...
Reversible thermal protection SO01; 130 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

Reversible thermal protection SO01; 130 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

Code:MTT 130025
6,62 EUR5,47 EUR
Skladem 7 pcs
Thermal insulation class 130 (B) 155 (F) 180 (H) Maximum temperature...
Thermal protection reversible SO6; 130°C 300mm 250V/10- 25A

Thermal protection reversible SO6; 130°C 300mm 250V/10- 25A

Code:MTT 130250
8,42 EUR6,96 EUR
Skladem 4 pcs

Bimetal safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceeded, the se...

Reversible thermal protection SO01_140°C_100mm_250V/2.5 - 7.5A

Reversible thermal protection SO01_140°C_100mm_250V/2.5 - 7.5A

Code:MTT 140025
7,15 EUR5,91 EUR
Skladem 11 pcs
Cable length 100mm.
Thermal protection reversible SO6; 140°C. 300mm 250V/10-25A

Thermal protection reversible SO6; 140°C. 300mm 250V/10-25A

Code:MTT 140250
8,57 EUR7,08 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceed...

Thermal protection reversible 2MMT; 145°C. 200mm 250V/10-25A

Thermal protection reversible 2MMT; 145°C. 200mm 250V/10-25A

Code:MTT 145250
8,90 EUR7,36 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceed...

-34 %
Reversible thermal protection SO01; 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

Reversible thermal protection SO01; 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 2.5 - 7.5A

Code:MTT 150025
7,56 EUR6,25 EUR
Skladem 11 pcs

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceed...

Reversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

Reversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

Code:MTT 150250
9,04 EUR7,47 EUR
Skladem 2 pcs

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceed...

-12 %
Reversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

Reversible thermal protection S06, 150 ° C 300mm 250V / 10-25A

Code:MTT 155250
9,04 EUR7,47 EUR
Skladem 2 pcs

  Bimetallic safety sensor When the limit temperature is exceed...

-12 %
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