Elektromotory a příslušenství

Nízkonapěťové asynchronní elektromotorytvoří stěžejní část sortimentu firmy. Za nízkonapěťové provedení jsou považovány motory s jednofázovým nebo třífázovým napájením v rozsahu 200V až 690V, pokrývající výkonové spektrum od 0,06kW do 200 kW. Nabízíme kvalitní elektromotory od renomovaných výrobců SIEMENS, ITALY,MOLL MOTOR a dalších.

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> 1000 products
0,18 kW /MV-2KN_24V/DC_ vibration motor

0,18 kW /MV-2KN_24V/DC_ vibration motor

262,9 EUR217,3 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
24 V_DC / 180 W / B3 foot_pressure force 200 kg
0,09kW / 2710_IE1_MS 56 1-2_230/400V_D/Y

0,09kW / 2710_IE1_MS 56 1-2_230/400V_D/Y

48,21 EUR39,84 EUR
Skladem 2 pcs

0.09kW / 2750 rpm / IE1 Y3-56 A2

0.09kW / 2750 rpm / IE1 Y3-56 A2

55,05 EUR45,50 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs

0,12kW  / 2750_IE1_Y3-56 B2_230/400 V_D/Y

0,12kW / 2750_IE1_Y3-56 B2_230/400 V_D/Y

60,50 EUR50,00 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs

0,12kW  / 2700_IE1_MS 56 2-2_230/400 V_D/Y

0,12kW / 2700_IE1_MS 56 2-2_230/400 V_D/Y

53,22 EUR43,99 EUR
Skladem ext. 22 pcs

0,18kW/ 2710_IE1_MS 63 1-2_230/400 V_D/Y

0,18kW/ 2710_IE1_MS 63 1-2_230/400 V_D/Y

60,19 EUR49,74 EUR
Skladem 3 pcs

0,18kW / 2800 IE1 GLEJ 63 B2 brake motor

0,18kW / 2800 IE1 GLEJ 63 B2 brake motor

133,2 EUR110,1 EUR
Skladem ext. 7 pcs
Brake shoe electric motor with B3. Hard brake with a braking torque of ...
0,18kW / 2720; IE1; Y3-63 A2; 230/400 V;D/Y

0,18kW / 2720; IE1; Y3-63 A2; 230/400 V;D/Y

61,29 EUR50,65 EUR
Skladem ext. 3 pcs

0.18kW * / 2830 B3 IE1 GL 56 N2 with increased power

0.18kW * / 2830 B3 IE1 GL 56 N2 with increased power

67,86 EUR56,08 EUR
Skladem ext. 19 pcs

0.25kW / 2760 B3 IE1 TMA 63 B2

0.25kW / 2760 B3 IE1 TMA 63 B2

65,54 EUR54,17 EUR
Skladem 2 pcs

0,25kW / 2800 B3 IE1 GLEJ 63 B2 brake motor

0,25kW / 2800 B3 IE1 GLEJ 63 B2 brake motor

142,6 EUR117,9 EUR
Skladem ext. 7 pcs
0.25 kW / 2p.( Y ) 400 V / Brake: 230V AC/ 103V DC_6 Nm
0.25kW / 2720 rpm B3 / IE1 Y3-63 B2

0.25kW / 2720 rpm B3 / IE1 Y3-63 B2

69,41 EUR57,36 EUR
Dočasně nedostupné

0,37kW / 2740_IE1_Y3-71 A2_230/400 V_D/Y

0,37kW / 2740_IE1_Y3-71 A2_230/400 V_D/Y

79,73 EUR65,90 EUR
Skladem ext. 2 pcs
0.37 kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V
0,37 kW / 2750_IE1_Y3-63 C2_230/400 V_D/Y

0,37 kW / 2750_IE1_Y3-63 C2_230/400 V_D/Y

73,88 EUR61,05 EUR
Skladem ext. 3 pcs
0.37 kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V with increased power
0,55kW / 2740; IE1; Y3-71 B2; 230/400 V; D/Y

0,55kW / 2740; IE1; Y3-71 B2; 230/400 V; D/Y

87,91 EUR72,65 EUR
Dočasně nedostupné

0,75 kW / 2850_IE1_Y3-80 A2_230/400 V_D/Y

0,75 kW / 2850_IE1_Y3-80 A2_230/400 V_D/Y

100,2 EUR82,83 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
0.75 kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V
0.75 kW / 2890 rpm / IE3 Y3PE-80 A2

0.75 kW / 2890 rpm / IE3 Y3PE-80 A2

134,5 EUR111,2 EUR
Skladem ext. 31 pcs

0,75 kW / 2750_IE2_Y3-71 C2_230/400 V_D/Y

0,75 kW / 2750_IE2_Y3-71 C2_230/400 V_D/Y

104,6 EUR86,48 EUR
Dočasně nedostupné
0.75 kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V with increased power
0,75 kW / 2730_IE2_MS 71 3-2_230/400V_D/Y

0,75 kW / 2730_IE2_MS 71 3-2_230/400V_D/Y

83,62 EUR69,11 EUR
Skladem 3 pcs
0.75 kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V with increased power
1,1 kW / 2870; IE1;Y3-80 B2; 230/400V, D/Y

1,1 kW / 2870; IE1;Y3-80 B2; 230/400V, D/Y

118,4 EUR97,81 EUR
Skladem ext. 15 pcs
Asynchronous three-phase electric motors IE1_( Y ) 400V
1,1 kW / 2870; IE3; Y3PE-80 B2; 230/400V, D/Y

1,1 kW / 2870; IE3; Y3PE-80 B2; 230/400V, D/Y

140,7 EUR116,3 EUR
Dočasně nedostupné
Asynchronous three-phase electric motors IE3_( Y ) 400V
1.5 kW / 2880 B3 IE1 GLEJ 90 S2 brake motor

1.5 kW / 2880 B3 IE1 GLEJ 90 S2 brake motor

235,1 EUR194,3 EUR
Skladem ext. 28 pcs

1,5 kW / 2880_IE1_Y3-90 S2_230/400V_D/Y

1,5 kW / 2880_IE1_Y3-90 S2_230/400V_D/Y

144,3 EUR119,2 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
1.5kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V
1,5 kW / 2890_Y3PE-90 S2_230/400V_D/Y

1,5 kW / 2890_Y3PE-90 S2_230/400V_D/Y

181,9 EUR150,3 EUR
Skladem ext. 4 pcs
1.5kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V
1,5 kW/ 2800_IE2_MS 80 3-2_230/400 V_D/Y se zvýšeným výkonem

1,5 kW/ 2800_IE2_MS 80 3-2_230/400 V_D/Y se zvýšeným výkonem

113,1 EUR93,44 EUR
Skladem 3 pcs
1.5kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V
2,2 kW / 2880_IE1_Y3-90 L2_230/400 V_D/Y

2,2 kW / 2880_IE1_Y3-90 L2_230/400 V_D/Y

148,9 EUR123,0 EUR
Skladem ext. 4 pcs
2.2kW / 2p. ( Y ) 400 V
2,2 kW / 2890_IMB3_Y3PE-90 L2_230/400 V_ D/Y

2,2 kW / 2890_IMB3_Y3PE-90 L2_230/400 V_ D/Y

242,4 EUR200,3 EUR
Skladem ext. 60 pcs
2.2 kW / 2 p. ( Y ) 400 V
3 kW / 2895 IE1 GLEJ 100 L2 brake motor

3 kW / 2895 IE1 GLEJ 100 L2 brake motor

323,7 EUR267,5 EUR
Skladem ext. 5 pcs
3 kW / 2p.( Y ) 400 V / Brake: 230V AC/ 103V DC_16 Nm
3 kW / 2880_IE1_Y3-100 LC2_400/690 V_D/Y

3 kW / 2880_IE1_Y3-100 LC2_400/690 V_D/Y

244,4 EUR201,9 EUR
Skladem ext. 6 pcs
3 kW / 2 p. ( D ) 400 V
3 kW / 2895_IE3_Y3PE-100 LA2_ 230/400 V_D/Y

3 kW / 2895_IE3_Y3PE-100 LA2_ 230/400 V_D/Y

287,9 EUR237,9 EUR
Skladem ext. 4 pcs
3 kW / 2 p. ( D ) 400 V

Soft start of smooth start 250V 16A

4,83 EURSoft start of smooth start 250V 16A
Soft start is intended for smooth start of the commutator motor. Suitable for: vacuum cleaner motors, el. hand tools, etc. dimensions: 40/52 ...

16XXX Domel, 230V / 1 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral

31,09 EUR16XXX Domel, 230V / 1 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral
Vacuum cleaner motor FESTOOL, NAREX VYS 21-25-30, Domel and Zelmer for dry and wet suction with separate cooling. The exhaust air only passes th...

Soft start smooth start 250V 20A, 2 outlets

4,93 EURSoft start smooth start 250V 20A, 2 outlets
Soft start up to 12A-2800W is intended for smooth starting of the commutator motor.

YDC23; 1200W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral

37,27 EURYDC23; 1200W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral
Vacuum cleaner motor ZANUSII, FESTOOL for dry and wet suction with separate cooling. The exhaust air only passes through the engine turbine. fan ...

Terminal block 4AP80-90 complete; M4 galvanized

7,59 EURTerminal block 4AP80-90 complete; M4 galvanized
Universal terminal block (50 x 32 mm) for electric motors with an axial size of 80.90 including connecting material. Temperature class F 150 ° C.

YDC23; 1000W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral

32,31 EURYDC23; 1000W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral
Vacuum cleaner motor FESTOOL, PROTOLL, NAREX, METABO, for dry and wet suction with separate cooling. The exhaust air only passes through the engi...

Plastic fan 4AP80 2-8pol. 4002-0

5,50 EURPlastic fan 4AP80 2-8pol. 4002-0
na hřídel  pr.20 mm ( C ) venkovní pr.128 mm ( A ) výška 20 mm ( E )

Terminal block 1LA705-709 / 63, 71, 80, 90; M4 galvanized 2105.7003.001 SIEMENS

18,90 EURTerminal block 1LA705-709 / 63, 71, 80, 90; M4 galvanized 2105.7003.001 SIEMENS
Original terminal block (51 x 28 mm) for Siemens electric motors for axis size 63,71,80,90.

Two-way rectifier U230 -275V AC 1A

7,47 EURTwo-way rectifier U230 -275V AC 1A
A simple and inexpensive rectifier for use in an electric motor with a brake. AC230V brake supply - AC230V two-way rectifier in conjunction with...

Soft start of smooth start 250V 16A

4,83 EURSoft start of smooth start 250V 16A
Soft start is intended for smooth start of the commutator motor. Suitable for: vacuum cleaner motors, el. hand tools, etc. dimensions: 40/52 ...

16XXX Domel, 230V / 1 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral

31,09 EUR16XXX Domel, 230V / 1 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral
Vacuum cleaner motor FESTOOL, NAREX VYS 21-25-30, Domel and Zelmer for dry and wet suction with separate cooling. The exhaust air only passes th...

Soft start smooth start 250V 20A, 2 outlets

4,93 EURSoft start smooth start 250V 20A, 2 outlets
Soft start up to 12A-2800W is intended for smooth starting of the commutator motor.

YDC23; 1200W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral

37,27 EURYDC23; 1200W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral
Vacuum cleaner motor ZANUSII, FESTOOL for dry and wet suction with separate cooling. The exhaust air only passes through the engine turbine. fan ...

Terminal block 4AP80-90 complete; M4 galvanized

7,59 EURTerminal block 4AP80-90 complete; M4 galvanized
Universal terminal block (50 x 32 mm) for electric motors with an axial size of 80.90 including connecting material. Temperature class F 150 ° C.

YDC23; 1000W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral

32,31 EURYDC23; 1000W 230V / 2 stage motor vacuum cleaner Bypass peripheral
Vacuum cleaner motor FESTOOL, PROTOLL, NAREX, METABO, for dry and wet suction with separate cooling. The exhaust air only passes through the engi...

Plastic fan 4AP80 2-8pol. 4002-0

5,50 EURPlastic fan 4AP80 2-8pol. 4002-0
na hřídel  pr.20 mm ( C ) venkovní pr.128 mm ( A ) výška 20 mm ( E )

Terminal block 1LA705-709 / 63, 71, 80, 90; M4 galvanized 2105.7003.001 SIEMENS

18,90 EURTerminal block 1LA705-709 / 63, 71, 80, 90; M4 galvanized 2105.7003.001 SIEMENS
Original terminal block (51 x 28 mm) for Siemens electric motors for axis size 63,71,80,90.

Two-way rectifier U230 -275V AC 1A

7,47 EURTwo-way rectifier U230 -275V AC 1A
A simple and inexpensive rectifier for use in an electric motor with a brake. AC230V brake supply - AC230V two-way rectifier in conjunction with...
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