Motor s předkolem a převodovkou

Pohon je velmi vhodný pro vertikální instalaci a vyšší zatížení.Složený komplet pohonu grilovací rožně nebo jiných zařízení s předkolem a šnekovou převodovkou. Převodovku je možno přestavit (pootočit) na hřídeli vždy o 90°, komplet tak můžete lépe přizpůsobit pro uchycení na gril či jiné zařízení.Obsah balení:- elektromotor 230 V( 380V )- 1x šneková převodovka - 1x předkolo (komplet neobsahuje unašeš pro grilovací jehlu, převodovka je zakončena otvorem pro hřídel zajištěnou perkem). POZOR : otáčení je nutné vyvážit proti rázovému zatížení pomocí protizávaží !!!!!!!

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09 kW / 4p, 230V, n2 = 3.2rpm

315,2 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0.09 kW / 4p, 230V, n2 = 3.2rpm
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR set 90W for voltage 230V with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC worm gearbox with a longer service life and a ...

Complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 230V; n2 = 3.2 min-1;

345,5 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 230V; n2 = 3.2 min-1;
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR 120W set for 230V voltage with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC worm gearbox with a longer service life and a...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

399,1 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR 250W set for 230V voltage with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC 2x worm gearbox with a longer service life an...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,37kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

527,8 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,37kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;
Single-phase EXTRA version of the MOLL MOTOR 370W set for 230V voltage with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC 2x worm gearbox with a longer service life a...

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

306,6 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 90W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 3.2 rpm Max load: 100 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDRO...

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.12kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

320,9 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0.12kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 120W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 3.2 rpm Max load: 150 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDR...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 380V; n2 = 2.5 min-1;

325,0 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 380V; n2 = 2.5 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 120W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 2.5 rpm Max load: 160 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDR...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 380V n2 = 2,3 min-1;

342,6 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 380V n2 = 2,3 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 180W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 2.3 rpm Max load: 200 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDR...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 380V n2 = 2,1 min-1;

366,3 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 380V n2 = 2,1 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Motor: 250W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 2.1 rpm Max load: 270 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDRO...

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09 kW / 4p, 230V, n2 = 3.2rpm

315,2 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0.09 kW / 4p, 230V, n2 = 3.2rpm
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR set 90W for voltage 230V with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC worm gearbox with a longer service life and a ...

Complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 230V; n2 = 3.2 min-1;

345,5 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 230V; n2 = 3.2 min-1;
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR 120W set for 230V voltage with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC worm gearbox with a longer service life and a...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

399,1 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR 250W set for 230V voltage with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC 2x worm gearbox with a longer service life an...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,37kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

527,8 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,37kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;
Single-phase EXTRA version of the MOLL MOTOR 370W set for 230V voltage with a high-quality HYDRO-NEC 2x worm gearbox with a longer service life a...

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

306,6 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 90W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 3.2 rpm Max load: 100 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDRO...

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.12kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

320,9 EURComplete with front wheel and motor 0.12kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 120W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 3.2 rpm Max load: 150 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDR...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 380V; n2 = 2.5 min-1;

325,0 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 380V; n2 = 2.5 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 120W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 2.5 rpm Max load: 160 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDR...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 380V n2 = 2,3 min-1;

342,6 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 380V n2 = 2,3 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 180W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 2.3 rpm Max load: 200 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDR...

complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 380V n2 = 2,1 min-1;

366,3 EURcomplete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 380V n2 = 2,1 min-1;
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Motor: 250W Voltage: 380V Output speed: n2 = 2.1 rpm Max load: 270 kg. Design: with high-quality HYDRO...
Doporučená max.zátěž Kg:
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Dutá výstupní hřídel pr.( mm)
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Otáčky (n2)ot./min:
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Jmenovité napětí [V]:
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Výkon elektromotoru [kW]
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Servisní faktor (SF).
14 products
complete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 230V; n2 = 2.3 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 230V; n2 = 2.3 min-1;

319,2 EUR263,8 EUR
Na dotaz
Single-phase design of the set Engine: 90W Voltage: 230V Output spe...
complete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 230V; n2 = 2.3 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 230V; n2 = 2.3 min-1;

367,8 EUR304,0 EUR
Na dotaz
Jednofázové prevedenie EXTRA kompletu MOLL MOTORA 180W pre napätie 230V ...
Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

Code:PK 4009030-PP
306,6 EUR253,4 EUR
Na dotaz
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 90W Voltage: 380V Outpu...
complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 380V; n2 = 2.5 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 380V; n2 = 2.5 min-1;

Code:PK 4012020-P
325,0 EUR268,6 EUR
Na dotaz
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 120W Voltage: 380V Outp...
Complete with front wheel and motor 0.12kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.12kW / 380V n2 = 3.2 min-1;

Code:PK 4012030-PP
320,9 EUR265,2 EUR
Na dotaz
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 120W Voltage: 380V Outp...
complete with front wheel DMRV040 / PC63 + 0,12kW / 4p / 380V; n2 = 4.4 rpm

complete with front wheel DMRV040 / PC63 + 0,12kW / 4p / 380V; n2 = 4.4 rpm

Code:PK 401204K-6410
275,1 EUR227,3 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
Three-phase design of one set of worm gearboxes with ballast gear and mo...
complete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 380V n2 = 2,3 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0,18kW / 380V n2 = 2,3 min-1;

Code:PK 4018020-P
342,6 EUR283,2 EUR
Na dotaz
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 180W Voltage: 380V Outp...
complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 380V n2 = 2,1 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 380V n2 = 2,1 min-1;

Code:PK 4025020-P
366,3 EUR302,7 EUR
Na dotaz
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Motor: 250W Voltage: 380V Outpu...
complete with front wheel and motor 0.37kW / 380V n2 = 2.1 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0.37kW / 380V n2 = 2.1 min-1;

Code:PK 4037020-P
494,4 EUR408,6 EUR
Na dotaz
Three-phase design of the EXTRA set Engine: 370W Voltage: 380V Outp...
Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09 kW / 4p, 230V, n2 = 3.2rpm

Complete with front wheel and motor 0.09 kW / 4p, 230V, n2 = 3.2rpm

Code:PK 5009030-PP
315,2 EUR260,5 EUR
Na dotaz
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR set 90W for voltage 230V wit...
Complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 230V; n2 = 3.2 min-1;

Complete with front wheel and motor 0,12kW / 230V; n2 = 3.2 min-1;

Code:PK 5012030-PP
345,5 EUR285,6 EUR
Na dotaz
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR 120W set for 230V voltage wi...
complete with front wheel DMRV040 / PC63 + 0,12kW / 4p / 230V; n2 = 4.4 rpm

complete with front wheel DMRV040 / PC63 + 0,12kW / 4p / 230V; n2 = 4.4 rpm

Code:PK 501804K-6410
228,3 EUR188,7 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
Single-phase design of one set of worm gearbox with ballast and motor Mo...
-7 %
complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0,25kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

Code:PK 5025020-P
399,1 EUR329,8 EUR
Na dotaz
Single-phase EXTRA design of the MOLL MOTOR 250W set for 230V voltage wi...
complete with front wheel and motor 0,37kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

complete with front wheel and motor 0,37kW / 230V; n2 = 2.1 min-1;

Code:PK 5037020-P
527,8 EUR436,2 EUR
Na dotaz
Single-phase EXTRA version of the MOLL MOTOR 370W set for 230V voltage w...
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