Přídavné chlazení motoru

Externí chlazení pro elektromotory – maximální výkon bez přehřátí!

Chcete zvýšit spolehlivost a životnost svého elektromotoru? Externí chlazení je ideálním řešením pro provoz v náročných podmínkách, kde běžné chlazení nestačí. Udržuje motor v optimální teplotě i při nízkých otáčkách nebo v horkém prostředí, čímž chrání před přehřátím a prodlužuje jeho životnost.

Proč zvolit naše externí chlazení?

Efektivní chlazení i při nízkých otáčkách – ideální pro motory řízené frekvenčním měničem.
Nezávislý provoz – možnost napájení přímo ze svorkovnice motoru nebo samostatně přes termostat či frekvenční měnič.
Jednoduchá montáž – snadná výměna krytu motoru za verzi s externím chlazením.
Univerzální použití – kompatibilní s jednofázovým i třífázovým napětím.
Nepřetržité chlazení – motor je chlazený i v případě zastavení, čímž se minimalizuje riziko přehřátí.

💡 Zajistěte svému elektromotoru optimální provoz a dlouhou životnost s naším externím chlazením!

📞 Kontaktujte nás ještě dnes a zjistěte více!

MOLL-MOTOR Prohlášení o shodě.pdf


External cooling series G-71B / 2850 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

77,14 EURExternal cooling series G-71B / 2850 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz
External cooling of the G-71B series to an electric motor with an axial height of 71 mm. 1f ~ D - 230V; 0.009A; 35W Standard paint: RAL ...

External cooling of the FBC63 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

123,5 EURExternal cooling of the FBC63 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC63 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 63 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.105A; 25W = 50Hz ...

External cooling series G-63B / 2800 rpm; 230V; 50Hz

65,04 EURExternal cooling series G-63B / 2800 rpm; 230V; 50Hz
External cooling of the G-63B series to an electric motor with an axial height of 63 mm. 1f ~ D - 230V; 0.009A; 25W Standard paint: RAL ...

External cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

98,51 EURExternal cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz
External cooling of the G-112B series to an electric motor with an axial height of 112 mm. 1f ~ D - 230V; 0.18A; 80W Standard paint: RAL...

External cooling of the FBC71 / 2950 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

125,6 EURExternal cooling of the FBC71 / 2950 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC71 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 71 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.105A; 25W = 50Hz ...

External cooling of the FBC80 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

148,1 EURExternal cooling of the FBC80 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC80 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 80 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.12A; 28W = 50Hz ...

External cooling of the FBC90 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

148,5 EURExternal cooling of the FBC90 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC90 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 90 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.30A; 55W = 50Hz ...

External cooling of the FBC100 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

161,6 EURExternal cooling of the FBC100 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC100 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 100 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.30A; 58W = 50Hz...

External cooling of the FBC112 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

181,8 EURExternal cooling of the FBC112 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC112 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 112 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.29A; 60W = 50Hz...

External cooling series G-71B / 2850 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

77,14 EURExternal cooling series G-71B / 2850 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz
External cooling of the G-71B series to an electric motor with an axial height of 71 mm. 1f ~ D - 230V; 0.009A; 35W Standard paint: RAL ...

External cooling of the FBC63 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

123,5 EURExternal cooling of the FBC63 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC63 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 63 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.105A; 25W = 50Hz ...

External cooling series G-63B / 2800 rpm; 230V; 50Hz

65,04 EURExternal cooling series G-63B / 2800 rpm; 230V; 50Hz
External cooling of the G-63B series to an electric motor with an axial height of 63 mm. 1f ~ D - 230V; 0.009A; 25W Standard paint: RAL ...

External cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

98,51 EURExternal cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz
External cooling of the G-112B series to an electric motor with an axial height of 112 mm. 1f ~ D - 230V; 0.18A; 80W Standard paint: RAL...

External cooling of the FBC71 / 2950 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

125,6 EURExternal cooling of the FBC71 / 2950 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC71 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 71 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.105A; 25W = 50Hz ...

External cooling of the FBC80 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

148,1 EURExternal cooling of the FBC80 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC80 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 80 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.12A; 28W = 50Hz ...

External cooling of the FBC90 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

148,5 EURExternal cooling of the FBC90 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC90 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 90 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.30A; 55W = 50Hz ...

External cooling of the FBC100 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

161,6 EURExternal cooling of the FBC100 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC100 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 100 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.30A; 58W = 50Hz...

External cooling of the FBC112 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

181,8 EURExternal cooling of the FBC112 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz
Universal external cooling of the FBC112 series for an electric motor with an axial height of 112 mm. 1f ~ D - 220 ~ 227V; 0.29A; 60W = 50Hz...
Polarita (otáčky/min)
Show selected
Rozměry průměr D x L(A)[mm]:
Show selected
Vstupní frekvence [Hz]
Show selected
Třída krytí IP:
Show selected
Napětí [V] / zapojení [Y.nebo D]
Show selected
Osová výška motoru H [mm]
Show selected
Show selected
32 products
External cooling series G-100B / 2750 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-100B / 2750 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 201000-G
95,23 EUR78,70 EUR
Skladem 3 pcs
Chladenie radu G-100B2/400V, osovej výšky 100 mm. 1f~D - 230V ; 0.1...
External cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 201120-G
99,68 EUR82,38 EUR
Skladem 3 pcs
Chladenie radu G-112B2/400V, osovej výšky 112 mm. 1f~D - 230V ; 0.1...
External cooling of the FBC63 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC63 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 230630-FBC
123,5 EUR102,1 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC63 series for an electric motor wit...
External cooling of the FBC71 / 2950 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC71 / 2950 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 230710-FBC
125,6 EUR103,8 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC71 series for an electric motor wit...
External cooling of the FBC80 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC80 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 230800-FBC
148,1 EUR122,4 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC80 series for an electric motor wit...
External cooling of the FBC90 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC90 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 230900-FBC
148,5 EUR122,8 EUR
Skladem ext. 2 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC90 series for an electric motor wit...
External cooling of the FBC100 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC100 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 231000-FBC
161,6 EUR133,5 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC100 series for an electric motor wi...
External cooling of the FBC112 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC112 / 2950 series rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 231120-FBC
181,8 EUR150,3 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC112 series for an electric motor wi...
External cooling series G-63B / 2800 rpm; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-63B / 2800 rpm; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 300630-G
65,04 EUR53,75 EUR
Skladem ext. 3 pcs
External cooling of the G-63B series to an electric motor with an axial ...
External cooling series G-71B / 2850 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-71B / 2850 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 300710-G
77,14 EUR63,75 EUR
Skladem 5 pcs
External cooling of the G-71B series to an electric motor with an axial ...
External cooling series G-80B / 2650 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-80B / 2650 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 300800-G
82,14 EUR67,88 EUR
Skladem 4 pcs
External cooling of the G-80B series to an electric motor with an axial ...
External cooling series G-90B / 2600 rpm; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-90B / 2600 rpm; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 300900-G
85,13 EUR70,36 EUR
Skladem 6 pcs
External cooling of the G-90B series to an electric motor with an axial ...
External cooling series G-100B / 2750 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-100B / 2750 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 301000-G
93,84 EUR77,55 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
External cooling of the G-100B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-112B / 2550 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 301120-G
98,51 EUR81,41 EUR
Skladem ext. 21 pcs
External cooling of the G-112B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-132B / 1430 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-132B / 1430 rpm-1; 230V; 50Hz

Code:MC 401320-G
108,6 EUR89,79 EUR
Skladem 2 pcs
Chladenie radu G-132B2/400V, osovej výšky 132 mm. 1f~D - 230V ; 0.2...
-7 %
External cooling series G-160B / 1400 rpm; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-160B / 1400 rpm; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 401600-G
120,9 EUR99,90 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
External cooling of the G-160B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-180B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-180B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 401800-G
142,6 EUR117,9 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
External cooling of the G-180B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling of the G-200B / 1200 rpm series; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling of the G-200B / 1200 rpm series; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 402000-G
163,3 EUR135,0 EUR
Skladem 1 pcs
External cooling of the G-200B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-225B / 1450 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-225B / 1450 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 402250-G
202,6 EUR167,4 EUR
Skladem ext. 4 pcs
External cooling of the G-225B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-250B / 1400 rpm; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-250B / 1400 rpm; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 402500-G
226,0 EUR186,8 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
External cooling of the G-250B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-280B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-280B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 402800-G
253,7 EUR209,6 EUR
Skladem ext. 4 pcs
External cooling of the G-280B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-315B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-315B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 403150-G
299,9 EUR247,9 EUR
Skladem ext. 2 pcs
External cooling of the G-315B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series G-355B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

External cooling series G-355B / 1350 rpm-1; 400V; 50Hz

Code:MC 403550-G
305,0 EUR252,0 EUR
Skladem ext. 2 pcs
External cooling of the G-350B series to an electric motor with an axial...
External cooling series FBC132 / 1490 rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling series FBC132 / 1490 rpm; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 451320-FBC
227,6 EUR188,1 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC132 series for an electric motor wi...
External cooling of the FBC160 / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC160 / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 451600-FBC
316,3 EUR261,4 EUR
Skladem ext. 1 pcs
Universal external cooling of the FBC160 series for an electric motor wi...
External cooling of the FBC180 / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC180 / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 451800-FBC
360,3 EUR297,8 EUR
Na dotaz
Universal external cooling of the FBC180 series for an electric motor wi...
External cooling of the FBC200 / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC200 / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 452000-FBC
404,5 EUR334,3 EUR
Na dotaz
Universal external cooling of the FBC200 series for an electric motor wi...
External cooling of the FBC225 series / 1450 rpm; 230V/D; 400V/DY; 50/60 Hz

External cooling of the FBC225 series / 1450 rpm; 230V/D; 400V/DY; 50/60 Hz

Code:MC 452250-FBC
456,0 EUR376,8 EUR
Skladem ext. 2 pcs
Cooling of the FBC225/230V and 400V series, axial height 225 mm. 1f...
External cooling of the FBC280 series / 1450 rpm; 230V/D; 400V/DY; 50/60 Hz

External cooling of the FBC280 series / 1450 rpm; 230V/D; 400V/DY; 50/60 Hz

Code:MC 452800-FBC
494,4 EUR408,6 EUR
Na dotaz
Cooling of the FBC280/230V and 400V series, axial height 280 mm. 1f...
External cooling of the FBC315A / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

External cooling of the FBC315A / 1450 rpm series; 230V / D; 400V / DY; 50 / 60Hz

Code:MC 453150-FBC
453,9 EUR375,1 EUR
Na dotaz
Universal external cooling of the FBC315 series for an electric motor wi...
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